
Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Hi, I am Carrie Jones and I teach second grade. 
My teaching experience includes kindergarten, first, and second grades. For several years, I saw myself as the quintessential kindergarten teacher even if I was teaching a different grade. However, I love second grade now. Who knew?

My summer hobby is officially searching Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers for inspiration and great ideas. Wow, I have certainly been inspired! Now I need to get busy...

I will plan to share my favs from those sites. For now, I will work on jazzing up this blog. It needs a little pizzazz at this point.

Speaking of pizzazz, the Dollar Spot at Target is the best inspiration for all of us teachers. Look what I found!

I can't even get together a birthday gift without it looking like a totally cool bucket that any teacher would want! It is a good thing my niece likes to play school.

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