I am linking up with Jasmine at Buzzing with Mrs. McClain for her You Oughta Know Blog Hop. What a great idea!
I am looking forward to reading up on some helpful tips from these fabulous bloggers!
I think that You Oughta Know About PebbleGo.
The PebbleGo Website
PebbleGo is a fabulous resource for research about all kinds of animals, biographies, Earth and space, and social studies. It has a WEALTH of information in a very kid-friendly format. Use of this resource requires a subscription, but our school buys a license to use it and we all love it!
The format allows students to look at certain aspects of each topic under tabs. The information is easy to understand and has buttons for a read aloud option.
To see videos of this database in action, please click {HERE}.
My First Encounter with PebbleGo
In the past our media specialist has given a lesson about it on the SmartBoard, then gives students the chance to use the computers in the media center to look up a different animal on their own. The students each have a clipboard and an organizer to jot down bullets of information that they find. Here is an example of the organizer.Someone at my school came up with an organizer that matches each tab for each animal. Here is a link to my "jazzed up" version (free) if you would like it. (It is not really that jazzed up. It just has a cuter font, so that makes me happy!)
How I Model PebbleGo in the Classroom
I do a lesson on my classroom SmartBoard so that we can fill out a big version of the organizer together. That way I can model how to access each section of information as well as each of the differentiating features. Also, I can model writing information in a bullet format.On a different day, I model how to turn the bullets of information into sentences, paragraphs, and sometimes nonfiction books complete with a table of contents.
Publishing Our Information
I have a craftivity that kind of matches this organizer for eagles. It is actually a booklet to record and write about observational findings while tuning into an Eagle Cam, such as the one at Berry College. Our class watched the Eagle Cam as often as possible last spring and fell.in.love with the baby and the parents. Apparently they will be back to nest again this fall and will probably lay an egg or two sometime in February. If you would like to read more about that fabulous experience please see {THIS POST} and {THIS POST}. Personally, I see birds in a new and better-informed way. Who knows, I may become a birdwatcher!Look at the students' booklets! They were super proud!
Below is a preview of the eagle booklet resource.
If you would like to check this out on TPT, then please click {HERE}.
New Craftivity
I have a newly posted product that fits the PebbleGo presentation of information perfectly. It is actually a craftivity. I will update this post when I get it uploaded. (I was "supposed to" have it uploaded today according to my self-imposed deadline.) These things take time...as you know.
*** It is officially completed! It was not that huge of a project, but somehow it turned into a longer-than-expected task. Needless to say, I learned lots of new things about working with clipart, ppt, etc.
You can check it out {HERE} if you would like.
Hop on over to the other blogs in this Blog Hop to see what other bloggers feel like You Oughta Know...
I'm looking forward to becoming better informed!