Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday Meet Me Linky

It's time for the Monday Meet Me Linky with the bloggers over at The Teaching Tribune.

The "assignment" was to list three unknown facts about yourself. 
So, here goes!

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Tap Dancing Lessons

I took tap dancing lessons as an adult, with adults, at the same dance studio that I attended as a child and teen. It was SO much fun! They even talked me into performing in the recital. That was way more nerve-wracking than I remembered it being. Then, I ended up taking lessons for 3 MORE YEARS. Well, my daughter was taking lessons and I didn't want her to have all of the fun!

Also, one of my teachers for three of those years was Jeremy K., the first American to join the Australian dance group, The Tap Dogs. He taught us the hoofing style. Now THAT was fun!!!

Do you remember the opening ceremonies of the Olympics when it was held in Australia? A HUGE group of dancers performed a tap dance routine in the hoofing style. VERY COOL!

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My Favorite Book

My favorite book as a child was The Guinness Book of World Records. I often informed my family with lots of little-known facts. As a matter of fact, I got to order the updated version each year through the Scholastic Book Clubs. It was ever so exciting!

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My Favorite Pet

My favorite pet is a cat. I love those little guys! I enjoy the challenge of getting a cat to "warm-up" to the cat that came with our house. (It reminds me of that book, He Came with the Couch.)

It wasn't as odd as it seems. You see, Mom and Dad were moving from the house when we moved in. Mom was not sure if Kittnin would make it at the new location so she left the cat with us. (My husband reluctantly agreed.) Kittnin was not much of a house cat and was pretty cranky. It may have been in her genes because I hear that cats with the  tortoise shell coloring tend to be a bit ornery. She certainly softened up as the years went by, seven to be exact, but she was never as sweet and cuddly as most cats that we had growing up. 

So, since I won't be able to get another cat for a while, I have been stocking up on cat clip art so that I can add them to all kinds of things for my classroom. I will try to keep it under control since LOTS of people are dog-lovers and not cat-sympathizers. I can respect that...

So now you know three tidbits of info about me that will probably mold your opinion of me into QUITE a complex person. You never know what you might find out next, so stay tuned!

Hop over to the Monday Meet Me group to meet some bloggers and find out three interesting things about each of them. The posts that I have read so far have been entertaining!

Have a great day!
Email: thethinkaloudcloud(at)gmail(dot)com

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