Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Follower Appreciation Sale Item and Worksheet Wednesday #6

Today I am continuing my Follower Appreciation Sale. Thank you to all of my followers!!

Today my 50% off item is The Silly Bear Hunt!

It is the best-selling item in my store. 
My kids love it!

Also, I am linking up with The Teaching Tribune for Worksheet Wednesday

Today I am offering a friendly letter template that has clue words to jog your students' memories of the different parts of a friendly letter. It includes one of Krista Wallden's cute new Zoo Animals...a giraffe. 

Isn't he adorable? This is a preview freebie of the set of "Zoo Animal" Friendly Letter Writing Templates that I will be posting by July 12th...fingers crossed! Of course, I am working on THREE different animal activities. Why do we work on a million things at once? It is a smidgen difficult to get just one of those things completely done. I would imagine that I am not alone in this. :-)
Anyway, if you would like a copy of this cute giraffe paper, please click {HERE}. If you are in the market for more friendly letter templates that are seasonal, I have a few spring sets as well as summer sets that are even in a bundle. I guess I should bundle my spring sets...

Add that to my list. I need to be thinking about setting up my room for the school year. But I love doing summery-type things. Like going to lunch with my friend today. We teachers need to fit those things in. Whilst we can. 

Back to the link up...
For Week 6, there are all kinds of free Summer worksheets listed.

Hop on over to The Teaching Tribune for their linky to get some great free summertime worksheet resources!

What a great deal! Thank you team from The Teaching Tribune!

Have a great day!

The Think Aloud Cloud (TpT store)

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