Sunday, September 7, 2014

Five for Friday, Teaching Trio Giveaway and Freebie

Today I am linking up with Doodlebug's Five for Friday (on Sunday, of course) to share some odds and ends that are on my mind. I am also linking up with The Teaching Trio for an awesome giveaway! See the link at the bottom of this post. 

I am so thankful for my college friends. We get together every now and then. It seems like old times except when we talk about our own children who are in their teens and some who are in college. It brings back great memories!

I think we are truthful when we say,"Wow, you haven't changed! You look exactly the same!"

we see pictures from our college days. Then, we say, "Wow, we looked like babies!"

One of our favorite things to laugh about now and then is a skit from Saturday Night Live. Dana Carvy. "Choppin' Broccoli." Classic. 

And then there are my friends from my second grade team. Truly, they are a fun crowd!

Our team social coordinator (an unofficial title)
planned a "Talladega Nights" party. A couple of the teachers AND their husbands even dressed the part. 

We had the same food that the characters ate in the movie...Dominos pizza, KFC, Taco Bell, and Wonder bread. Shake and Bake!

I am thankful for my new class this year. 
They are such hard workers!

We played the "Write It! 3 Ways in 3 Days" (the September edition) apple scoot game. This time we wrote out the expanded form of each number. These students needed more time later in the day, so we moved the scoot cards to my reading table. Since the cards were scattered on this table, the students enjoyed hunting for the last few cards that they needed to complete the answer sheet. That kept the interest high!
Here is a worksheet that can be used after the activity as a follow up or assessment another day.

You can get it HERE for free.  

I am thankful that my daughter got to march in a Drum and Bugle Corps this summer. They got to compete in the final competition in Rochester, New York. Fun was had by all!
My daughter is in the front and semi-center, kind of to the right. They did a great job!

And finally, I am thankful for blog giveaways! 
The Teaching Trio is celebrating their new blog design and a birthday with a giveaway. They have several sets of products ready to give away. There are 30 bloggers/TPTers who have donated products for the cause. 
And...I have a product in one of the sets! Yay! It is Write an App for That! A Research Activity with PebbleGo.

The giveaway will be open for the rest of this weekend through Tuesday at midnight. The Teaching Trio will post the winners on Thursday. It looks like some great prizes!

Check it out HERE.  

Have a great day!

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