Friday, January 31, 2014

Snow, Possessive Nouns, and a Freebie

About the craft project on the last post...

      ...I decided to do more contractions in the other pile next to the snowman, since the students needed more contraction practice. So, I will add the possessive snowballs and sign from “Pile on the Winter Fun! Set 2” to another craft of sorts. The original plan was to add the possessive snowballs on the right side of the snowmen because they show possession of each of the snowman’s accessories. It seems to be helpful when the students can repeatedly add “apostrophe s” to words so that they can remember where the apostrophe goes spatially. Sometimes that is a tough concept for our buddies. If you would like to check out the possessive noun activity and craft, then you can find it here.

Meanwhile, here are some pictures of their finished products.

We also did the “How To Build a Snowman” writing activity from “Pile on the Winter Fun! Set 3.” This set has 2 versions of adjective snowballs and some writing resources. These resources include a “How To Build a Snowman” flapbook pre-writing organizer and 25 different writing papers, with and without scaffolding. My ESOL students really respond well to the scaffolding as they write. Also, the papers have various styles of writing lines to meet the different needs of different students. All of these can be found in Set 3.

If you are interested in all three sets, the bundled set can be purchased at a discounted price. You can check it out here.

Meanwhile if you would like some samples of these sets, you can get a flapbook, a couple of writing papers and other resources in a freebie that is available in my shop as well. You can get it here.

Have a fabulous day!

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